Ideas for every dream

#experience #enthusiasm #passion

iTest is a Communication and Design lab created by Nadia Testi from her head-and her heart. After almost 30 years of experience in the fashion field, Nadia decided to share her love for creativity with others communication’s professionals, expanding also to other sectors: design, luxury and retail.


Like a true lab, iTest offers – both on the national and international territory – an authentic creativity through services created specifically for the Customer. Thanks to the availability of a network of professionals established over time, iTest is able to offer an integrated communication service that ranges from the development of the concept to the direction and general coordination of projects.

Like a true lab, iTest offers – both on the national and international territory – an authentic creativity through services created specifically for the Customer. Thanks to the availability of a network of professionals established over time, iTest is able to offer an integrated communication service that ranges from the development of the concept to the direction and general coordination of projects.

Fashion Shows




Styling Shooting


Comm. Marketing


iTest for
personal ideas

After a careful selection of the best professionals in the sector, iTest  created a team that is compact and consistent with the company’s creative mood. The strength of iTest is the ability to create customized teams for any situation and place.

#events #shows

#reel #video

Our clients and our collaborations